Monday, July 5, 2021

Egypt misspells its country name

Here is a short story for the day because why make a short story long. Actually that is what marketing is all about, taking an issue writing a lot about it without actually saying much, much like the character of Hawthorne in "Yes Minister". Check this out as an example:

Anyway on 20th Oct 2020, Egypt issued a £E4 stamp issued for CAPMAS, which is the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. Basically this is the official government agency in charge of collecting, processing, analyzing etc of statistical data and conducting the census.

However this stamp was withdrawn from all post offices after two weeks! Why? Because they misspelled Egypt in both places. The y and the g were transposed making it Eygpt.

How many hands did this pass through and no one noticed. However this kind of error is the most difficult error to catch, ask a bookkeeper.

This was fixed and reissued later but people who spotted the error in time and bought stock are now selling them for around $20. This may seem peanuts but £E4 is worth around 25c!

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  1. Great article, thank you! (:
    I myself misspell Eygpt all the time :P so maybe they can say it happened because of the Mossad (:

  2. Being an Arabic reader I saw your headline and went straight to the Arabic script, thinking 'That doesn't look misspelled to me.' Took me a little longer to spot the English...

  3. I do not believe that they would have made the mistake in Arabic. The proof readers were obviously not English speakers.

