On the other hand deltiology is the study and collection of postcards. The study is where I come in, because research is what I love. As some of you may know, about a year ago I started investigating the Jewish stereotype on picture postcards and I discovered a new world. My interest was sparked when my best friend asked me to write an article about what does a Jew look like, for a philatelic magazine, and basically there is little!
My research reminded me of times, such as when I was at school and a friend asked my father where he hid his horns, or a time when I went to London and saw a sign, "No Jews or dogs allowed", and this is not so long ago. I decided to research both the postcard and the publisher / artist, wherever possible. This information is very difficult to find and even when you do know the name, little information is available.
New website
I decided to upload all the information I had gathered and I am still gathering, into a new website: https://thejewishstereotypes.blogspot.com in which I try to connect the dots. Please help me out by sharing and commenting on the site itself and if anyone wants to help support me by being me a cup of coffee, then there is a link there.